Symbol oferty | IRE-MS-150 |
Powierzchnia | 156,00 m² |
Liczba pokoi | 12 |
Rodzaj budynku | kamienica |
Technologia budowlana | cegła |
Standard | |
Piętro | 1 |
Liczba pięter w budynku | 3 |
Stan lokalu | Do wprowadzenia |
Balkon | duży |
Pierwsza linia brzegowa | tak |
Mieszkanie Inwestycyjne w Centrum Katowic – już działające, wyniki finansowe ok. 12% ROI
Unikalne mieszkanie inwestycyjne zlokalizowane w sercu Katowic, od strony parku Kościuszki.
Najlepsze rozwiązanie dla inwestorów szukających stabilnego dochodu ok. 10.000 zł miesięcznie, a jednocześnie stanowi pewną formę ochrony kapitału wzrastającego powyżej 1 mln zł.
Najważniejsze Informacje o Inwestycji:
Układ i Wyposażenie Mieszkania:
Media i Koszty Eksploatacyjne:
Dodatkowe Pomieszczenia i Udogodnienia:
Lokalizacja inwestycji oferuje wygodny dostęp do kluczowych usług i placówek, co czyni ją niezwykle atrakcyjną zarówno dla mieszkańców, jak i najemców:
Ta nieruchomość w jednej z najlepszych lokalizacji w Katowicach to doskonała propozycja dla inwestorów szukających mieszkania z wysoką stopą zwrotu, stabilnym dochodem oraz pewną ochroną kapitału. Atrakcyjna lokalizacja, pełne obłożenie oraz wysoki standard wyposażenia sprawiają, że oferta jest jedną z najlepszych na rynku nieruchomości inwestycyjnych na Śląsku.
Więcej informacji na stronie LowcyNieruchomosci . pl
Zapraszamy do kontaktu w celu uzyskania szczegółowych informacji oraz prezentacji szczegółów nieruchomości:
ŁOWCY Nieruchomości
Michał Mandowski
Tel/WhatsApp/SMS 7 dni w tygodniu 798 440 300
Investment Apartment in the Center of Katowice - already operating, financial results ca. 12% ROI
A unique investment apartment located in the heart of Katowice, on the side of the picturesque Kościuszko Park.
Ideal solution for investors looking for a stable income of approx. PLN 10,000 per month, and at the same time it is a form of protection of capital increasing above PLN 1 million.
Key Investment Information:
• Location: Katowice city center, right next to Kościuszko Park
• Area: The entire floor of the building, which ensures full privacy and the possibility of flexible space management
• Income: The property generates an impressive income of PLN 9,000 per month
• Return on Investment (ROI): Income even ca. 12% ROI, which makes this offer extremely attractive compared to other investments on the real estate market
• Occupancy: The apartment enjoys great interest from tenants, with occupancy of 100% or in the worst case 90% per year
Layout and Equipment of the Apartment:
• Rooms: 9 independent rooms, including two double rooms, which allows for the accommodation of 11 people in total. This solution is ideal for renting to students, young professionals or corporate employees
• Bathrooms: Tenants have two fully equipped bathrooms at their disposal, which significantly increases the comfort of use
• Kitchen: Spacious kitchen with full equipment, including two refrigerators, which allows for easy use by many tenants at the same time
• Additional amenities: The apartment has a balcony, which is rare in central locations, and a washing machine, which is a great convenience for tenants
Media and Operating Costs:
• Media: Tenants pay a flat-rate fee for media, which simplifies cost management and ensures predictable income
• Heating: Gas heating with a 2-function furnace that provides hot water and heating for the entire apartment. The stove is part of the community, which means no additional infrastructure investments
• Monitoring: To ensure safety, a community monitoring system and an intercom have been installed on the staircase
Additional Rooms and Amenities:
• Cellars: The apartment has two large cellars with areas of 17.5 m² and 5.5 m². This is additional space that can be used for storage or additional investment purposes
• Building condition: The building is well-maintained, with a new facade on the front side, which additionally increases its value
• Parking spaces: There are 3 parking spaces available in the building, which is a great advantage in this part of the city
Location of the investment offers convenient access to key services and facilities, which makes it extremely attractive for both residents and tenants:
• Katowice City Center
Plac Miarki
PKP Railway Station
Ul. Mariacka
• Proximity to public transport stops, trams, buses, PKP railway station
• Kościuszki, Poniatowskiego, Jordana bus and tram stops
• Direct vicinity of Kościuszki Park: Ideal place for walks, recreation or active leisure
• Communication: Excellent connection with the A4 motorway, quick access to key points in Katowice and the PKP railway station
• Proximity to universities:
University of Economics in Katowice
Silesian Medical University (Faculty of Health Sciences)
Faculty of Theology of the University of Silesia
• Numerous grocery stores and supermarkets:
• Access to shopping centers:
Libero Shopping Center
Galeria Katowicka
• Catering services and cafes:
"Patio-Park" Restaurant
"Sweet Home Silesia" Café
"Pod Drzewym Bocianem" Pizzeria
• Proximity to medical facilities:
Medical Center "PROF-MED" at ul. Kościuszki 88.
Family Medicine Clinic at ul. Kościuszki 84.
• Educational institutions:
General Secondary School No. 1 named after Nicolaus Copernicus (approx. 10 minutes' walk).
Complex of Schools No. 1 named after General Władysław Anders (approx. 10 minutes' walk).
• Sports and recreation:
"CityFit" gym in the Libero Shopping Center.
"Brynów" swimming pool at ul. Nasypowa (approx. 10 minutes by car).
• Banks and financial services
This property in one of the best locations in Katowice is an excellent proposition for investors looking for an apartment with a high rate of return, stable income and certain capital protection. Attractive location, full occupancy and high standard of equipment make the offer one of the best on the investment property market in Silesia.
More information on website RealEstateAgents . pl
Call or text us for more information or to schedule an appointment any day of the week:
Real Estate Agents Poland
Michael Mandowski
Phone/WhatsApp/SMS 7 days a week +48 798 440 300
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