Sosnowiec, Inwestycyjna
Symbol oferty | IRE-LW-53 |
Powierzchnia | 1 500,00 m² |
Liczba pokoi | 8 |
Rodzaj budynku | wolnostojący |
Standard | |
Piętro | parter |
Liczba pięter w budynku | 1 |
Stan lokalu | Do wprowadzenia |
Rok budowy | 2019 |
Rodzaj lokalu | jednopoziomowy |
Przeznaczenie lokalu | biurowo-magazynowy, handlowo-usługowy, handlowy, magazynowy, produkcyjny, usługowy |
Rolety antywłamaniowe | tak |
Do Wynajęcia Magazyn klasy A Panattoni od 1.500 do 6.000 m2! To perfekcyjne rozwiązanie dla wzrostu Twojego biznesu poszukującego praktycznej przestrzeni do rozwoju! Sprawdzona oferta Łowców Nieruchomości (Grupa HOLDIMEX)
Magazyn Panattoni zlokalizowany tuż obok Katowic przy drodze S1 i autostradzie A4. Doskonała lokalizacja oraz bogate możliwości wykorzystania magazynu w różnych branżach, takich jak składowanie, handel, usługi, biurowo-magazynowe czy produkcja sprawią, że Twój biznes osiągnie wyższy poziom sukcesu.
Elastyczne możliwości wynajmu:
Infrastruktura i zabezpieczenia:
Cechy budynku magazynowego:
Cechy posadzki magazynowej:
Cena i warunki:
Zachęcamy do wybrania Magazynu Panattoni Park, aby zapewnić Twojej Firmie doskonałe warunki magazynowe i logistyczne. To doskonała okazja, aby stworzyć więcej przestrzeń do rozwoju Twojego biznesu!
Więcej informacji na stronie LowcyNieruchomosci . pl
Zadzwoń lub napisz do nas już dziś, aby uzyskać więcej informacji lub umówić się na wizytę w każdy dzień tygodnia:
ŁOWCY Nieruchomości | Grupa HOLDIMEX
Michał Mandowski
Tel/WhatsApp/SMS 7 dni w tygodniu 798 440 300
For rent Panattoni class A warehouse from 1,500 to 6,000 m2! It is the perfect solution for the growth of your business looking for a practical space for development! Proven offer of Real Estate Hunters (HOLDIMEX Group)
Panattoni warehouse located right next to Katowice on the S1 road and the A4 motorway. The excellent location and rich possibilities of using the warehouse in various industries, such as storage, trade, services, office and warehouse or production, will make your business achieve a higher level of success.
• Perfect location directly by the 2-lane S1 Expressway and the A4 motorway, which ensures convenient and quick access to key transport routes
• Benefits from the proximity of the largest Amazon warehouse in Central and Eastern Europe, opening up unlimited opportunities for your business
Flexible rental options:
• We offer flexible space options to suit your needs, ranging from 1,500 m2 to 6,000 m2
• It is possible to rent a smaller area, tailored to the individual needs of your company
• We also offer logistics services so that you can focus on your business, and we will take care of the comprehensive management of the flow of goods
Infrastructure and security:
• A modern warehouse commissioned in 2021, ensuring the highest quality and innovative solutions
• Pass-through warehouse with separate doors on both sides for free flow of goods and optimization of processes
• Loading docks and "0" gates that guarantee efficient loading and unloading operations
• Monitored temperature maintained between 18 - 22 °C, ensuring ideal storage conditions for goods
• Non-dust floor, ensuring cleanliness and hygiene inside the warehouse
• Access to a sanitary unit, ensuring comfortable working conditions for the staff
• The entire area is fenced, guarded and monitored 24/7, guaranteeing the highest level of security
• A paved maneuvering yard around the hall, enabling free maneuvering of vehicles
Features of the warehouse building:
• Clear height of 10 m in the storage area, allowing for vertical storage of goods
• A single-storey warehouse with office space, providing comfortable working conditions for your team
• Entrance, gate/porter's lodge, fence and maneuvering area for trucks, enabling convenient logistic operations
• Parking for passenger cars, providing convenient and safe parking spaces for your employees and customers
• Perfectly developed space around the building, ensuring the functionality and efficiency of your company's operations
Warehouse floor features:
• Seamless floor, guaranteeing uniformity and load resistance
• Evenly distributed load of 5 T/m² for safe storage of heavy goods
• 17 cm thick reinforced concrete floor slab, reinforced with mesh or dispersed reinforcement, ensuring a solid and durable structure
• Surface hardening is a dry sprinkle (corodur), which ensures stability and comfort of use
• Non-dust floor, ensuring cleanliness and hygiene inside the warehouse
• Surface flatness in accordance with DIN 18202, guaranteeing excellent working conditions and functionality
• Thermal insulation of ground beams, internal perimeter, ensuring optimal temperature conditions in the warehouse
• Prefabricated perimeter beams and prefabricated reinforced concrete dock sockets, enabling convenient operations of loading and unloading goods
Price and conditions:
• The price of space rental is related to the size of the space
• Operating and utility costs are added to the rental price, ensuring transparency and financial fairness
We encourage you to choose Panattoni Park Warehouse to provide your company with excellent storage and logistics conditions. This is a great opportunity to create more space for the development of your business!
More information on website RealEstateAgents . pl
Call or text us for more information or to schedule an appointment any day of the week:
Real Estate Agents Poland
Michael Mandowski
Phone/WhatsApp/SMS 7 days a week +48 798 440 300
Właściciel ŁOWCY Nieruchomości